Saturday, 27 June 2015

Cat Therapy

I recently treated my self to an "adult colouring book" called Cat Therapy. It's almost too good to work in, so I photocopied a page for my Smash Book, and yes, it was therapeutic doing the colouring in, right up to the point where the rub on's misbehaved, yowl....

Thursday, 25 June 2015


I've finally completed my page about the number three and the way it seems to rule any important learning situation. Ironically, it took three attempts to get my label printer set up working again, as if the point didn't need reinforcing!

I could continue about the Three Fates or the Three Muses  ... but I think they are implicit in the images. 

Wednesday, 24 June 2015


There was a time when I drew a daily mandala. I kept it up for 260 days before moving to a journal they just didn't fit in. I'm not drawing them so regularly now, but they still have great value for reflection and inner journeys. I used a word mandala to "write out" an issue recently. It was the perfect vehicle, as the same thing has been coming round in different guises. I then surrounded it with relevant quotations, and felt "it is done."

Talking about a related issue with a friend, I reflected upon how many years ago I released myself from the Should Monster. My motto then became: "I have no desire to be remembered for my clean toilet." Apparently I succeeded all too well, as my children remember my sticky kitchen floors!

I am now working on the Rule of Three ; just waiting for a few supplies...

Friday, 19 June 2015


I've been meaning to put this page together for a long time, a visual version of an important life lesson. I struggled with the desire to be perfect for a long time. The liberating moment came when I was working on a project with my soul sister Liz. Early on she made a mistake and said, "Well, that's over and done with, now we can relax." What a revelation! They sky didn't fall in and we went on to have FUN. Every time I start to slip to my knees at the Altar of the Bitch Goddess Perfection, I remember that moment and put her behind me as another false idol.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

The Case of the Missing Undies

Sometimes I think lofty thoughts, but today I am thinking about underwear. Mine are missing in transit somewhere between New Zealand and Australia, and an international incident is in the making! My naked backside is not a pretty sight, and I want my new Thunderpants!

I always enjoy their website :

Not often do you get a laugh and do a good deed by buying new knickers. 

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Telling Stories

When I was a child, telling stories was code for telling lies

It's a fun extension of the paper doll game.

An interesting way to explore the truth...

Inner Child Therapy

After another trying day dealing with educated fools, it was very therapeutic to enjoy the childlike pleasures of "cutting and sticking."

The quotes about blessings lifted me from a dark place.

I then went on to the remembered pleasures of paper dolls, adult style:

Soul clothes indeed...

Saturday, 13 June 2015

The Unexpected Benefits of Journal Keeping

In the midst of a difficult wrestling match with a "health" system that seems intent on denying me appropriate treatment, I am once again reminded of the practical benefits of journal keeping. The story begins when the symptoms of my rare autoimmune condition first appear in August 2010, which "coincidentally" contains an image of the way I looked only 5 years ago.

Over the next month my condition deteriorates to the point where I am writing an entry about "SNOT" ...

and by October 5th I have my first hospital admission. Given that I was sent as an urgent case with a referral letter from an ENT specialist it is fascinating to read that the admissions clerk tells me that "I probably just need my ears syringed"!

Given that I actually have a condition that is 100% fatal if left untreated, it is not surprising to find renewed reports of my symptoms recurring in May 2014

By 26 July I am back in hospital in a state of multi-systemic organ failure

In August 12 I have a record of a doctor solemnly diagnosing Legionella, as my symptoms "are not consistent with an autoimmune reaction." 

Which is somewhat strange as the very next day I have an entry about a visit to a specialist who finally gives me the correct diagnosis : granulomatosis with polyangitis popularly referred to as Wegener's Granulomatosis - try saying that when you've had a drink!

I also see a theme of cats emerging here! These entries are supplemented by pages from my Hobonichi techo where I also record re emerging symptoms:

with the occasional wallow in self pity:

Leading up to the latest round of hospitalization with a fractured femur caused by side effects from 
one of the drugs that I was prescribed:

As Leif G. W. Persson said: "The best informant is the one who hasn't understood the significance of what he has told."

Or as my lawyer put it in another context, it all constitutes legal evidence, "but God help the judge who has to read it all!"