It proved to be too small, so I branched out into an art journal, starting with an entry about the winter solstice Downunder, adapted for the Southern Hemisphere...
I then treated myself to one of Michael O'Brien's Dark Ages books after a visit to his bindery in Oamaru. It's a signed numbered edition, #231:
This was soon filled, so I moved to an ENORMOUS old ledger with nearly 600 pages, which I am nearly half way through filling:
However, having participated in a number of "spell swaps" I found myself with a number of items that didn't fit in it easily, so when I found this in a market I felt it was perfect:
All the embellishments fit in without making the book bulge at the seams:
I still have a couple of unfilled pages at the back of the art journal, so I've been completing them with things that don;t go with the current writing in my giant BOS:
Who knew that Books of Shadows would breed like that? Magickal....